Aleksey Dubinsky

CAC Torres Vedras, Portugal
Born in 1985 in Grozny, Aleksey Dubinsky lives and works in Tbilisi. From 2001 to 2005 studied at the Nizhny Novgorod Art College in the Department of Design of the architectural environment. In 2011 he graduated from the faculty of painting (studio of historical and religious painting) at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov. The same year he won the Martini Art Weekend competition and was awarded a trip to the Saint Martins University of London for an educational course.

In his research and paintings, Aleksey Dubinsky focuses on human life from different points of view. Observing the ordinary reality of a person, realizing all the frailty of everyday life, he still tries to see in it something extraordinary and incredible, even magical he composes magical structures from regular "ordinary" things and beings. This approach can be called "everyday surrealism", or rather it resembles "magical realism". This method is an inexhaustible source of material for the artist's fantasy. For Aleksey Dubinsky, small and insignificant objects and everyday life events can be the keys to transitioning to another level of thinking and being.